RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Jamie Gant

0419 331 922

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions listed below, or click the search button above for a faster search relating to your circumstances.

Foreign Flags
Advanced Considerations

Australian Expat Home Loans

Thera are generally very few limitations for Australians expat, and In most cases, you may borrow as much as a citizen residing in Australia. You may generally borrow up to 90% of the property value with stable employment, and usually 80% when self-employed.

Home Loans (General)

Property Postcode Restrictions (LMI & Lending)

Lenders assess mortgage applications differently based on the location of the property being offered as security. A lender, or the [link url="1123"]Lenders Mortgage Insurance[/link] provider, will apply more rigid lending policies in high-risk locations to limit their risk …

Couple Painting New Home
First Home Buyer FAQ

What is the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSS)?

If you’re a first home buyer, you may be eligible to withdraw voluntary super contributions you’ve made to put toward a home deposit. Through the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS), first-home buyers may be able to use Australia’s superannuation system as …

Family New Home
Home Loans (General)

Can Rent Be Used as Genuine Savings?

Getting into the property market is difficult when you’re paying rent because you’re still required to save a 5% deposit towards a new home. While the deposit is still usually required, many lenders will accept your rental history as a …

Home Loans (General)

Self-Managed Super Fund Loans

Self-Managed Super Funds are often used by investors as a means to take control over their superannuation for the purpose of investing in property of their own choosing. However, Self-Managed Super Funds – particularly when used for investing – is a complex …

Couple at Home
First Home Buyers

What is Genuine Savings?

The term Genuine Savings refers to the funds that you have saved genuinely and gradually over time, usually between three to six months. It excludes gifts, tax refunds, one-off payments from the sale of assets, such as you car …

Home Loans (General)

What if I Have a Bad Credit History or Outstanding Debts?

We believe that former adversity shouldn’t impact upon your ability to get a home loan, and we specialise in sourcing suitable products for those that have experienced adversity via a less-than-stellar credit history, bankruptcies, defaults, Part IX debt agreement …

Types of Home Loans

Co-Ownership Investment Loans

Property prices in Australia are high – particularly in capital cities. While entry to the property market is generally within reach of many, the co-ownership model provides access to property with a shared obligation towards repayments. There are …

Personal Loans

Personal Loans for Motor Vehicles

There are several financing options for those who are looking to finance a car, the most popular option is a car loan, but you may also want to consider a secured or unsecured personal loan. A personal loan is a form of credit used to finance personal purchases …

Personal Loans

Personal Loans for Home Improvements

A personal loan is a great option to fund smaller home improvement projects (from $4000) as they have lower interest rates compared to credit cards. If you chose an unsecured loan you do not have to provide collateral against your loan, so there is no risk of losing …

Personal Loans

Personal Consolidation Loans

Multiple loans or Credit card debt consolidation is the process of combining a number of existing credit card and loan debts into one convenient loan with one set of loan fees to better manage your repayments. Your debts may consist of credit cards, medical …

Vehicle Finance

Moving House
