RBA Cash Rate: 4.35% · 1AUD = 0.67 USD · Inflation: 4.1%  
Jamie Gant

0419 331 922

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions listed below, or click the search button above for a faster search relating to your circumstances.

Interest Rates
Home Loan Types

Variable Home Loans

The Variable Home Loan rate is the most popular home loan type in Australia. An interest (and comparison) rate is set for a particular product and will vary depending upon cash rate changes as dictated by the Reserve Bank of Australia. The variable rate …

Bank Vault
Home Loan Types

Interest Only Home Loans

Most home loans are based on principal and interest. That is, you pay off the principal amount (the amount you have borrowed) in addition to the accumulated interest. However, when servicing an interest only loan you will only pay off the interest component for …

Home Loan Types

What is a Home Loan Package?

A Home Loan Package is a home loan bundled with other financial or banking services and products with the main attractive feature usually being an included discount on the home loan interest rate. At the time of this writing, the interest rate reduction …

Reserve Bank of Australia
Government & Regulation

Who Is The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA)?

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) is the central bank of Australia and is responsible for conducting monetary policy, issuing currency, and promoting the stability of the financial system in the country.

Home Loan Types

Basic Variable Rate Home Loans

A Basic (or No Frills) Variable Rate Home Loan is a straight forward non-complicated loan with minimal features, a competitive interest rate and no annual or monthly fees. Payment of an establishment or application fee varies between lender …

Police Home Loans
Specialist Employment

Home Loans for Police and Law Enforcement

There are no limits to the police services and officers we work with. We also work with nurses, doctors, firefighters, and military personnel to source a suitable product given your unique employment position. Generally speaking, police officers …

Specialist Employment

Mining Industry and Engineer Home Loans

Extra perks are available to some qualifying professions within the mining industry like Mining Engineers, Surveyors and Geophysicists, whose salary meets the minimum income test ($150,000 at time of writing) and you are a member of the appropriate industry association …

Medical Professionals

Home Loans for Doctors and Medical Professionals

Medical doctors are considered ‘low risk’ by the majority of lenders because of higher incomes, and the likelihood that income will increase over time. Additionally, Doctors are considered to be future customers of other types of products …

Lounge in Loungeroom
First Home Buyer FAQ

How a Guarantor Will Help You Buy Your First Home or Investment Property

A Guarantor Home Loan, or ‘Family Pledge’ Home Loan, allows family members or, in some cases, someone else who is close to you, to ‘guarantee’ your home loan. This means they will be responsible for servicing the loan if you can’t. A guarantor will usually has …

Girl with iPad researching Mortgage
Home Loans (General)

What is the LVR, Loan to Value Ratio?

The Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) is the amount you’re borrowing represented as a percentage of the property’s value. The loan amount is divided by the purchase price of the valuation amount, then multiplied by 100 to make a percentage. For example …

Mortgage Comparison Rate
Home Loans (General)

What is a Comparison Rate?

A comparison is the true cost of a loan every year, including fees and charges, and taking the product attributes into account. While an interest rate may be low to lure you into that product, the comparison rate provides a more realistic understanding of the cost of a loan …

Vehicle Finance

Moving House
